Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Scientists compile massive encyclopedia

A new project in the states that allows people to access and contribute to a Biology and species web resource collection:
encyclopedia for life

BEEP & PEEP :-) 21st Century Science on the web

BEEP stands for BioEthics Education Project.
"It is an interactive website and virtual learning environment for secondary school science teachers and their students. It is a teaching resource developed to highlight the moral, ethical, social, economic, environmental and technological implications and applications of biology."

PEEP stands for Physics Ethics Education Project
"A new website covering physics and ethics in GCSE Science courses... going live spring 2007" They are currently recruiting schools to help evaluate the pilot version of the site.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Web-based Scientific Enquiry Environments

"WISE is a simple yet powerful learning environment where students examine realworld evidence and analyze current scientific controversies." (US)

"Co-lab (Collaborative Laboratories for Europe) environment brings together, in an integrated way, facilities for experimentation (including remote laboratories), collaboration, and domain modelling. In each of these facilities, guidance for learners is available. The Co-Lab project develops demonstrators in the applied science areas of water management and climate control (in greenhouses)." (EU)

The Nation's Favourite Experiments (UK)

Can technology help increase 'safe' access to science experiments?

The nation's favourite experiment is apparently Fizz Fizz Bang Bang (for more see the British Association for the Advancement of Science Experiment Vote).

See here for some 'science activity challenge packs' from the BA.

International Polar Year 2007-8

The International Polar Year is a large scientific programme focused on the Arctic and the Antarctic from March 2007 to March 2009. Learn more about IPY.

"Education and Outreach are integral to the International Polar Year 2007-8. Teachers and students have the opportunity to experience authentic science in real time. We encourage everyone to get involved in this huge, exciting scientific collaboration by visiting exhibitions, teaching and learning about the polar regions, watching films and documentaries, reading books, going on expeditions, and contacting scientists while in the field."

... which would relate well to our previous work with scientists in the Antarctic.

IPY RSS for educators

Digital Library for Earth System Education

This is an educational resource associated with the US National Science Digital Library.

"The Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) is a distributed community effort involving educators, students, and scientists working together to improve the quality, quantity, and efficiency of teaching and learning about the Earth system at all levels.

DLESE supports Earth system science education by providing:
  • Access to high-quality collections of educational resources
  • Access to Earth data sets and imagery, including the tools and interfaces that enable their effective use in educational settings
  • Support services to help educators and learners effectively create, use, and share educational resources
  • Communication networks to facilitate interactions and collaborations across all dimensions of Earth system education"
For more visit the DLESE site