Thursday, October 26, 2006

Public Engagement with Science

Some possible funding opportunities for public engagement work:

Welcome Trust - Society Awards
These awards (above £50 000) are available to support larger scale activities that aim to make a significant impact - ideally of nationwide importance - on public engagement with science and its related issues.
We have picked out a number of new themes that we would particularly like to see explored ...
What is science? How is it carried out? What do scientists do? What can science do and what are its limits? How is scientific knowledge used?
How can we get scientists, the community and groups such as policy makers together, so they can share thoughts and ideas, and learn from one another? How can we enable lay people to feed into decision making or influence what research is carried out?
And how can we actually get people directly involved in research projects?
For more...

EPSRC Partnerships for Public Engagement
Are you worried that the public ignore research? Or concerned that not enough young people pursue research careers paths? Aims: to communicate the excitement of fundamental and applied research in science and engineering to the public. This includes issues such as sustainable energy, nanotechnologies, information and communications technologies, and engineering that relates to today’s society.
See the Good Practice Guide

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